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[GWICC2010]冠脉易损斑块的鉴别—— Eckart Fleck教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/19 13:51:19    加入收藏
 关键字:冠脉易损斑块    CT   IVUS   OCT 

    <International Circulation>:  What are the advantages and disadvantages for the use of IVUS (Intravascular ultrasound)? 
    Prof Eckhart Fleck: The shortcomings with IVUS is that it is invasive, it is quite a large catheter and also quite expensive to perform. Since it also a stiff catheter you may encounter problems with diseased vessels in terms of spasms.  Sometimes you cannot distinguish between diseased vessels and the stenosis by which you create from the catheter but momentarily it is the only device which can be used. In the future we will combine it with optical coherence tomography (OCT) which will allow us to see more clearly from the inside surface of the artery. This is very useful but for the future we need more information besides only on the surface; for example if there is a rupture or not? This we can already see very clearly with the OCT very well. We would like to find out more information about the reasons for the rupture and for that we need specific binding, specific contrast and specific pictures. 


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