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[GWICC2009]Christopher O’Connor教授谈急性心力衰竭新进展

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/11/6 10:07:00    加入收藏
 关键字:急性心力衰竭 长城会 Christopher O’Connor 

International Circulation:Heart failure clinic seems a promising approach to meet the challenge of reducing mortality and re-hospitalization rates of heart failure. Could you talk about the components, operation, function and goals of HF clinics? What is the reality of HF clinics in US?


Christopher O’Connor: I think it is a promising approach to some of these issues.  Heart failure clinics that help with the management of the disease are very important because they can detect and function in a way to detect early decompensation.  Our heart failure clinics are run by nurse practitioners who are trained to provide surveillance 24/7 for a large cohort of patients.  That means when a patient is beginning to decompensate they can begin getting intervention and get to a clinic.  This can prevent some of the more catastrophic hospitalizations where patients are sicker and have gone further down the line in terms of deterioration.

Christopher O’Connor: 我认为<

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