<International Circulation>: Is there one easy tip on how to achieve a more rapid door-to-balloon time?
《国际循环》:是否有一些简单的方法使我们能更好的实现快速的入院至球囊扩张时间? Dr Mehta: We would need to break it down a little further. What would be the desired door-to-balloon time for China? Is it 90 minutes or 120 minutes which is what some Europeans are trending towards? I still believe it should be 90 minutes and maybe even less because that is exactly what you would want for your father. If I were to give you a single tip it would be to improve the ambulance system. Improving the process is much more crucial and a greater determinant in how much you are going to be able to reduce time.
缩短入院至球囊扩张的时间 一些欧洲国家试图达到90分钟或120分钟的目标,我认为这个时间应该是90分钟或在可能的情况下更短。如果要我给出一个技巧,那么我要说的就是改进救护系统。改进救护系统这一过程确实是非常重要的事情,并且这在很大程度上取决于你将能尽最大努力减少多少时间。
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